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 Here Are a Few Things That Could  Affect Indoor Air Quality

Personal activities

■ smoking

■ cooking

■ body odor

■ cosmetic odors


Housekeeping activities

■ cleaning materials and procedures

■ emissions from stored supplies or trash

■ use of deodorizers and fragrances

Maintenance activities

■ airborne dust or dirt (e.g., circulated by sweeping and vacuuming)

■ microorganisms in mist from improperly maintained cooling towers

■ airborne dust or dirt

■ volatile organic compounds from use of paint, caulk, adhesives, and other products

■ pesticides from pest control activities

■ emissions from stored supplies

Locations that produce or collect dust or fibers

■ textured surfaces such as carpeting, curtains, and other textiles

■ open shelving

■ old or deteriorated furnishings

■ materials containing damaged asbestos

Unsanitary conditions and water damage

■ microbiological growth on or in soiled or water-damaged furnishings

■ microbiological growth in areas of surface condensation

■ standing water from clogged or poorly designed drains

■ dry traps that allow the passage of sewer gas

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